28 ก.ค. 2567รัฐบาล เชิญชวนส่วนราชการ รัฐวิสาหกิจ ประชาชน สวมใส่เสื้อเหลืองตราสัญลักษณ์ฯ ทุกวันจันทร์โดยพร้อมเพรียง 28 ก.ค. 2567กรมอุตุนิยมวิทยา เปิดสอบบรรจุเข้ารับราชการ 12 อัตรา วุฒิปวส. เงินเดือน 12,650-13,920 บาท สมัครตั้งแต่บัดนี้ - 14 สิงหาคม 2567 28 ก.ค. 2567มหาวิทยาลัยนวมินทราธิราช เปิดสอบบรรจุเป็นพนักงานมหาวิทยาลัย 73 อัตรา สมัครทางอินเทอร์เน็ตตั้งแต่บัดนี้ - 8 สิงหาคม 2567 28 ก.ค. 2567สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดชัยภูมิ รับสมัครสอบบรรจุเข้ารับราชการ ตำแหน่งพยาบาลวิชาชีพปฏิบัติการ 20 อัตรา ตั้งแต่วันที่ 1-7 สิงหาคม 2567 28 ก.ค. 2567สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดแพร่ รับสมัครสอบบรรจุเข้ารับราชการ ตำแหน่งเภสัชกรปฏิบัติการ ตั้งแต่วันที่ 1-7 สิงหาคม 2567 28 ก.ค. 2567โรงเรียนอนุบาลนานาชาติตากสินระยอง รับสมัครครูอัตราจ้าง และลูกจ้างชั่วคราว 11 อัตรา ตั้งแต่บัดนี้ - 31 ก.ค.2567 27 ก.ค. 2567เช็กด่วน!! กรุงเทพมหานคร เปิดสอบครูผู้ช่วย กรณีพิเศษ 25 อัตรา รับสมัคร 30 ก.ค. - 5 ส.ค.2567 27 ก.ค. 2567โอกาสมาแล้ว!! น้องนิสิต นักศึกษาครู เชิญทางนี้ กรุงเทพมหานคร เปิดสอบครูผู้ช่วย (โครงการช้อนครู) 322 อัตรา รับสมัคร 30 ก.ค. - 2 ส.ค.2567 27 ก.ค. 2567สพป.แม่ฮ่องสอน เขต 2 เปิดสอบพนักงานราชการ 2 อัตรา วุฒิปริญญาตรีทุกสาขา เงินเดือน 18,000.- บาท สนใจสมัครตั้งแต่วันที่ 1-7 สิงหาคม 2567 27 ก.ค. 2567ไม่ต้องผ่านภาค ก 65 อัตรา วุฒิปริญญาตรีทุกสาขา เงินเดือน 16,830 บาท สำนักงานสลากกินแบ่งรัฐบาล รับสมัครสอบบรรจุเป็นพนักงาน ตั้งแต่บัดนี้ - 9 สิงหาคม 2567

"The New Uzbekistan"


"New Uzbekistan is becoming a country of democratic change, great opportunities and practical work"

The following details of an interview with President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of the Republic of Uzbekistan conducted by Editor-in-Chief Salim Doniyorov of Uzbek newspaper, Yangi Uzbekiston, were provided to The Consulate-General of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Bangkok.

Question: Mr. President, first of all, we would like to thank you for agreeing to give an interview for our newspaper. It is known that over the past five years, large-scale democratic changes have been taking place in our country. The concept of "new Uzbekistan" is becoming a reality. As the head of state, the initiator of these socio-political processes and the reformist leader at the center of them, what do you see as the essence of these reforms in the first place?

Answer: First of all, it should be noted that any nation, any nation, which has set itself the great goal of building a free and just life in their country, a just society, will go through a difficult, arduous and complicated path of development. Looking to the future with great hope and confidence, the Uzbek people, who have always lived with patience, also achieved their sacred dream on August 31, 1991 - our dear Motherland gained its independence. In a few days we will widely celebrate the 30th anniversary of this anniversary as a great celebration. Over the past period, the Armed Forces have been established, which are able to reliably protect the sovereignty and state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the inviolability of our borders, the peaceful life of our people and our national interests. Our national currency, the soum, has been introduced and our gold and foreign exchange reserves have been formed. Our ancient history, rich cultural heritage, national and religious values, our identity have been restored.
I am happy to take an active part in such memorable historical processes. It should be noted that along with the great achievements in independent development, our path has not been without some mistakes and shortcomings. The process of abandoning the Soviet system and building a democratic society, the complex and dangerous period itself, posed various challenges and tasks. There were times when our knowledge and experience, will and determination to solve them successfully did, and sometimes did not.
Therefore, raising the development of our country to a new, higher level, the implementation of new reforms has become an objective necessity, the most important strategic task. The history of mankind shows that the processes of spiritual awakening in the life of any nation lead to the realization of national identity and raise the economic and cultural development of the country to a new level. We all know that such a unique social phenomenon is called "Renaissance" - awakening, revival, ascension. It is known that the land of modern Uzbekistan in ancient times was the cradle of two great revivals - the First (Enlightenment - IX-XII centuries) and the Second (Temurids - XIV-XV centuries) Renaissance. This is a historical fact that has been proven and recognized in world science. At present, another important Renaissance process is taking place in our country. That is why the words “New Uzbekistan” and “Third Renaissance” resonate in our lives and inspire our people to great goals. Today, Uzbekistan is becoming a country of democratic change, great opportunities and practical work. This process is the greatest result of our reforms for me. Because the accuracy of the goal is the most important criterion that ensures the effectiveness of actions. If we summarize the essence of the Action Strategy adopted five years ago, in this unique document we have set ourselves the strategic goal of building a new Uzbekistan and laying the foundations of the Third Renaissance. It should be noted that the construction of a new Uzbekistan is not just a wish, a subjective phenomenon, but an objective necessity that has a deep historical basis, which is required by the current political, legal, socio-economic, spiritual and educational situation in the country, and fully meets its national interests. New Uzbekistan is a country that develops on the principles of friendly cooperation with the world community, adhering to universally recognized norms and principles of democracy, human rights and freedoms, the ultimate goal of which is to create a free, prosperous and prosperous life for our people. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that we are implementing these democratic changes not for the sake of someone, to brag, to enter different rankings, but because we need democratic processes are as important as water and air in the interests of our people, first of all, thinking about the current life and future of our young generation. Most importantly, as they say, "Blessing on the Move," we have gone through the most difficult stage, that is, we have clearly defined our path and started the great work. Now the whole point is to resolutely pursue the path of reform and bring it to a logical conclusion. It’s certainly not easy, but we can do it. Importantly, in recent years, sufficient political, legal, socio-economic, organizational and institutional framework has been created to carry out such a huge and complex task.

Question: In the process of political, legal, socio-economic, spiritual and educational reforms being carried out in our country, priority is given to the introduction of an important constitutional principle: "The people should serve our people, not government agencies." What is the reason for this?

Answer: For many years, I have worked in responsible positions at all levels, from the lowest to the highest levels of government, and I have also been a Member of Parliament. Therefore, I can say with full confidence that I know all the shortcomings and shortcomings of the old system of government, the problems that afflict the population, from the bottom up, from the inside, more than others. The wise words of the great Amir Temur "Justice is the foundation of the state and the motto of the leaders" written on the roof of the Oqsaroy residence in Shakhrisabz have a very deep meaning. It should be noted that the state and government agencies in our country have long been cut off from the life of the people.
From a political and legal point of view, the state is defined as "a body that expresses the will of the people." Who shapes the state? The people and its autonomous representatives. So who should the state and its agencies serve first? Of course, to the people, to the citizens who voted and expressed confidence in different careers. In this sense, our people have every right and right to be satisfied with public service.
I think it is not difficult to understand that the year 2017 when I began my career as the head of state, is called the "Year of dialogue with the people and the interests of the people" in our country that our aspirations and actions are based on it. Of course, it is too early to say that we have completely changed the old system and achieved the goal we set for ourselves. I repeat, we are in search every day. We are just taking the first steps on this path. But those who say, "These changes are a temporary campaign, they will pass," are mistaken. This is one of the priorities of the long-term pragmatic populist policy of the President and his team, and together with our people we will carry it to the end, we will never go back.
In fact, the most important result we have achieved today is that our democratic reforms have become irreversible. Openness and transparency in the activities of government agencies in our country is growing. Senators and deputies, ministers and governors, officials at all levels are meeting face-to-face with citizens and taking their concerns seriously, not on paper, but in practiceThat is, first of all, public authorities are open to the people, to every citizen, and actively communicate with them.
Today, people are waking up, society is waking up. A spiritually awake society is, without a doubt, a powerful force. Let me be clear, my nature absolutely cannot accept such a false life. Our people have trusted me, and to justify this high trust, to create decent living conditions for our people is the meaning of my life for me. As long as I take responsibility for the fate of millions of people, it is impossible for me to take a different approach to reforms, to leave everything as it is. I repeat: we have to do everything in front of us, on our own, no one from abroad will solve any problem for us.

Question: What are the top priorities at the current stage of development of Uzbekistan?

Answer: I spoke about this in detail in my appeal to the Parliament in December last year. So I want to answer your question briefly.
The first priority: social policy has been one of the most important priorities of state policy in our country, and will remain so now and in the future. I believe that such changes are the most important qualitative indicators of the development of society. In the implementation of systemic measures aimed at direct, targeted financial support of needy citizens, the main focus is not on subsidizing the poor, but on creating the necessary conditions and opportunities for them to earn income.
The second priority is to identify growth points in the field of economic development and pay special attention to them, thus increasing the competitiveness of the economy of New Uzbekistan.
The third priority: in the current global pandemic, we see the protection of public health, including the prevention of entrepreneurship, as one of our main goals. Because behind every business structure is the number of jobs, income of families, the fate of today and tomorrow.
I believe that further liberalization of the life of our country, the environment of openness and transparency, the expansion of public control will play an important role in addressing the existing shortcomings and shortcomings in this area.
The fourth priority: the pandemic coincided with a period of radical changes in agriculture. This period has clearly confirmed that ensuring food security, the development of the agricultural sector in line with modern requirements is becoming the most pressing task for all mankind, including us.
Imagine that during the period of independence, that is, over the last 30 years, the population of Uzbekistan has increased by 15 million (the population of Uzbekistan is 34 million). This means an average country population. In addition, over time, as life changes, people's consumer demand and needs are constantly increasing. Of course, our land and water will not increase. Such resources are limited not only to us, but to the whole world. Therefore, we must now increase our intelligence, intellectual potential, knowledge and experience, and turn these very factors into economic growth points and resources.
The fifth priority: protecting the health and lives of our people during the pandemic remains the most important task for us. For this purpose, a reserve of 3 trillion soums has been formed in the state budget for 2021. Due to these funds, many measures in the field of medicine, including the process of vaccination of the population against coronavirus from April 1 this year, continue uninterrupted.
Taking this opportunity, I once again call on our people to take responsibility for their own health and take an active part in vaccination activities against this dangerous disease.
The sixth priority: we are striving to strengthen the spiritual and enlightenment work in the new conditions. Such an approach is a solid foundation for our development today and in the future.
In this sense, the construction of a new Uzbekistan means the further study of our recent and distant history, our unique and unique cultural riches, relying on them and continuing our path of independent national development at a new stage.
The new Uzbekistan boldly puts forward initiatives on spiritual and educational issues in all spheres, as well as in influential international and regional organizations. In this regard, the initiative put forward by our country at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly to adopt a resolution on "Enlightenment and Religious Tolerance" was widely supported by the international community. It should be noted that this resolution was recently adopted.

Question: In building a new Uzbekistan, special attention is paid to foreign policy, the development of friendly cooperation with countries near and far in the world. What are the interrelated and harmonious aspects of domestic and foreign policy in this regard?

Answer: In a short historical period, the political position and prestige of our country in the Central Asian region and the world has grown dramatically. The spirit of confidence in the New Uzbekistan and the principles of striving for cooperation with our country are growing in the world. Uzbekistan is playing an increasingly important role in intensifying the processes of integration and cooperation in Central and South Asia. New proposals and initiatives put forward by our country at the international conference "Central and South Asia: Regional Connectivity. Challenges and Opportunities" which was held on July 15-16 2021 in Tashkent, aroused great interest not only in the countries of these vast regions, but also in the world community. In particular, the construction of new transport routes connecting Central Asia with the Indian Ocean was also discussed. The conference once again demonstrated the spirit of Tashkent.
Today, the concept of foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is being improved. This important document pays special attention to further strengthening our relations with the Central Asian states, which are a priority of our foreign policy, in the spirit of centuries-old friendship and good neighborliness, strategic partnership and mutual trust. Uzbekistan's multifaceted and mutually beneficial relations with Russia, China, the United States, Turkey, Germany, France, Great Britain, South Korea, Japan, India, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates and other countries are expanding. As a close neighbor of Afghanistan, Uzbekistan is interested in the establishment of peace and stability in this country as soon as possible. It is known that Uzbekistan will chair the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in 2021-2022. We are currently making serious preparations to hold this important political event at a high level.
Our achievements in ensuring human rights and freedoms, freedom of speech and religion, and gender equality are steadily strengthening in cooperation with influential international organizations.
In order to support our compatriots in many countries around the world and further strengthen our ties with them, the "Compatriots" Fund was established. Our work aimed at strengthening the atmosphere of interethnic harmony and tolerance in our society is rising to a qualitatively new level. July 30, widely celebrated as the International Day of Friendship, has been declared the Day of Friendship of Peoples in Uzbekistan. This year, this holiday was widely celebrated in our country for the first time. This can also be seen as a common phenomenon that combines domestic and foreign policy factors.

Question: It is well known that the effectiveness of reforms largely depends on the knowledge and experience, political level and culture of the leading cadres, especially local governors. In this sense, are you satisfied with the work of local governors?

Answer: The governor, as a human being, may not know or ignore something, may make a mistake, it is understandable, but if he does not admit these mistakes, if he does not want to correct them, if he does not strive to learn, to innovate, to increase his knowledge and experience, if he is devoted to selfishness and life, this situation is absolutely unforgivable. My main requirement is to understand people, to live with their joys and worries, to look at and evaluate the situation around them through the eyes of ordinary people, not to be separated from the nation. Only then will there be a clear effect in managing the region or network and making important decisions. The criterion of activity of each leader is to make the dreams of the people the main goal for himself and to realize them consistently. I am glad that a new generation of active, hard-working and thoughtful people is growing up among our governors and ministers, heads of companies and banks. They communicate openly with the people, show initiative, work independently and boldly, without waiting for instructions from above. Unfortunately, some leaders and bureaucrats give in to arrogance and become unaware that their foot is off the groundThis is a real tragedy for them. Of course, such leaders cannot have a place in our ranks. This is a demand not only of the President, but also of our people, of life.

Question: You always emphasize that it is very important for a head of state to have direct communication with the people. But is it possible to talk to the people on all issues in life, get their opinion? How do you fill such a "gap"?

Answer: From the very first days of my presidency, I warned my team that I did not like high-sounding statements and "beautiful" numbers that had absolutely nothing to do with the real situation.
No matter how bitter and uncomfortable it is, I just want to know the right and true information. It helps me make the right decisions. Once again, we say goodbye to those among the leaders and officials who do not understand this acute demand, no matter how difficult it may be.

Question: In our country, the necessary conditions are being created to ensure the rights and interests of young people, their education, employment, realization of knowledge and abilities. Another practical manifestation of this is the announcement of 2021 as the "Year of Youth Support and Public Health." What do you think is the role and main tasks of young people in the process of building a new Uzbekistan?

Answer: Young people are the mainstay of our nation. They are emerging as a decisive force in the effective implementation of our large-scale reforms. Our boys and girls, who have received modern education, advanced professions, innovative technologies and foreign languages, play a leading role in the further development of our country. It is known that young people tend to think in new ways, boldly come up with new ideas and implement them, solve problems on the basis of creative and non-standard approaches. Therefore, today we give priority to creating all conditions for the younger generation to acquire knowledge, develop their talents and potential in science, innovation, literature, art and sports, to take an active part in the socio-political life of our society. Of course, our work in this area is not only continuing consistently, but is rising to a higher level. To this end, the Decree of July 13, 2021 "On additional measures to provide comprehensive support to young people and increase their social activity" confirms this view. This document provides for the creation of more than 30 additional benefits and opportunities for the youth of our country. I want to think about just one of those opportunities. The contract money of children of families included in the "Iron Book" studying at universities in the 2021-2022 academic year will be paid from the state budget for the first academic year. This opportunity is used by children from more than 4,000 families across the country. 29.2 billion soums will be allocated from the budget for this purpose. No matter where I am in our country, city or village, I will definitely meet young people there. In open and candid conversations, I am interested in their health, education, aspirations, and conditions in their village or neighborhood. You know, there are many criteria and parameters that show the level of development of countries and nations in the world. But the most important criterion for me in this regard is the happiness and perfection of our youth. I see the breath, speed and intensity of the new Uzbekistan, first of all, in the determination, courageous ideas and proposals of our dear sons and daughters, in their first achievements. I am convinced that the people and the state, whose children are always in search and aspiration, who pursue high goals and move forward, will definitely achieve their goals. Because such actions will become a powerful wave of tomorrow, will make our lives better and more prosperous than yesterday, tomorrow more than today, will raise our consciousness.

Question: When it is talking about the achievements of Uzbekistan in recent years in ensuring human rights and freedoms, it is mentioned first about the large-scale work on women's education, education, employment, health, the realization of talents and abilities, protection of motherhood and childhood, gender equality. What is the reason for this?

Answer: The reason for this is simple, of course. Because the level of development and culture of any nation, state and society in the world is determined primarily by their attitude towards women.
There is a woman, a family, a sacred fortress, a child. When our women are happy, of course, our family and society will be happy. Women have equal rights with men in all fields and sectors, and in a country where they live with high respect, there will surely be peace and harmony, growth and prosperity.
In our country, special attention is paid to the issues of providing women with jobs, housing and improving the quality of medical services. In this regard, the introduction of vocational retraining centers for women and the implementation of a program of affordable housing are important. Every year, the initial housing contributions of women living in difficult living conditions are paid from the state budget.
Question. The greatest and dearest holiday is on the eve of our Independence Day As the initiator of the concept of building a new Uzbekistan and the national leader, the President, who is boldly leading all our people on the path of its implementation, what wishes would you express to our people on this holiday?
Answer. Of course, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of our country's independence, we will summarize the results of our development in all areas and sectors and more clearly define our future plans. In particular, ensuring the rights and freedoms and legitimate interests of every person in our country, achieving a more free and prosperous life of our people will remain our main goal. For me, the greatest goal, which is the essence of my work as President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is to earnestly and selflessly serve to realize the dreams of our people for a peaceful and prosperous, free and prosperous life. We are always indebted to our people, who gave us all food, washed us and brought us up. Achieving the consent of our dear and esteemed people is the greatest happiness for us. Because if the people agree with us, the Creator will agree. I am convinced that we will achieve our noble goals as a single people, a single nation, using all our knowledge and experience, intelligence, as a sacred banner of our boundless love and devotion to our beloved Motherland. The new Uzbekistan will become a comprehensively prosperous and prosperous country with a strong potential, a worthy reputation in the world arena. I not only believe in it, but I am always ready to mobilize all the knowledge and experience I have along the way. I urge all our compatriots to be in such a great line - among the builders of New Uzbekistan. Taking this opportunity, I sincerely congratulate our multinational people on the upcoming Independence Day. I wish every family, every citizen peace, prosperity and happiness. "

New Uzbekistan newspaper,
August 17, 2021.
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